
My Favorite Singer

My favorite singer is Yuki. You know, Yuki is a popular singer in Japan.

My favorite song of her is "Present".
At first time, I think that this is boring.
Listening again and again, I got to like it.
This song "Present" is very heartwarming song, and this song heal me when I feel sad.

Especially liive version is so fantastic!
Now, the movie was deleted from Youtube, so you can't watch this.
Too bad!

bye bye:)

3 件のコメント:

  1. This is Rina.

    Your blog is really cool!

    I also like Yuki^^*

    I want to go her concert someday...

  2. I like morning musume. you know?
    I don't know about Yuki. If i have chance, I listen to Yuki's music. however, I won't do it. Sorry.
